George Conway

The conservative attorney said the Trump family company could be "out of business."
The conservative attorney explained exactly how a prosecutor could draw out the former president.
Trump made the comments on Wednesday to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.
The conservative attorney has a stark warning for the former president.
Republicans have “addicted themselves” to Donald Trump’s lies like crack and the party is "gone," said the conservative attorney.
The conservative attorney also offered a long-shot suggestion to potentially keep Trump out of prison -- but said the former president "would never do it."
The conservative attorney had a stark warning for Mar-a-Lago employee Carlos De Oliveira.
The conservative attorney reacted to Donald Trump's announcement that he expects to be indicted in special counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 investigation.
The conservative attorney said Trump’s legal team is “yet to come up with a coherent factual or legal defense” in the classified documents case.
The conservative attorney said it was stunning to hear a former president committing a felony "on audio tape while laughing about it"